Understanding your hormones and bodily functions is essential for maintaining a great standard of health. A blood-test is able to test for anything from cholesterol to oestrogen, kidney and liver function or even vitamin deficiencies. Fluctuating oestrogen levels can be the cause of menstrual irregularities, mood swings, vaginal dryness, reduced bone strength and all manner of symptoms besides. For women, maintaining good reproductive health is just as important as taking care of any other part of the body. Blood tests are the most effective way of detecting underlying health conditions or monitoring existing ones.
If you’re curious to understand more about your body, we have a number of tests available to check female health.
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This test checks whether you have diabetes - or your control if you do.
HbA1c is the gold standard test for diabetes diagnosis or monitoring.
Over a million people in the UK have diabetes and do not know.
This test can be a finger-prick home test or a phlebotomy sample
This profile for women analyses a blood sample and a self-swab checking for the commonest sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and syphilis.
Most women have no symptoms from these infections so testing is essential. It is a fast and discrete way to make sure you're safe.
This test can be done on samples collected at home or at one of our phlebotomy locations.
This profile is specifically tailored to analyse hormones related to fertility, menopause, and period problems. It can be be used to diagnose problems or to monitor hormone replacement medications.
Includiing oestrogen, luteinising hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin.
It can be performed on a finger-prick home sample as well as a phlebotomy sample.
This is a great, comprehensive check into your health. It analyses your liver & kidneys, your muscle & bone health, and iron levels. It checks if you have diabetes, and includes a full cholesterol profile. It is an excellent basic test covering some of the most important conditions that could put your health and wellness at risk.
This profile can be performed on a finger-prick home test or with a phlebotomy sample.
Confirm if you are in menopause with this targeted profile including Oestradiol, Luteinising Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone. Included is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone in case it is thyroid problems mimicking menopause symptoms.
Whiile symptoms at a certain age may very strongly indicate the diagnosis, it is better to know for sure with a blood test.
This test can be performed on a finger-prick home sample as well as with a phlebotomy sample.
Check your beta-hCG levels to confirm if you are pregnant. Beta-HCG is detected in blood at lower levels than in a urine test.
As well as confirming pregnancy as early as possible, it is perfect for women who want to have repeat beta-hCG tests to ensure that their pregnancy is progressing healthily in the early stages.
This test works with a finger-prick home test as well as with a phlebotomy sample.
This is a great, comprehensive check into your health. It includes a full blood count and a wide range of essential indicators to show your liver & kidney function, your muscle & bone health and iron levels. It will show whether you have diabetes (HbA1c), and includes a full cholesterol profile. It is an excellent basic test covering some of the most important conditions that could put your health and wellness at risk.
This profile requires a phlebotomy sample as it includes a full blood count
Check your progesterone levels.
There are many reasons which testing your progesterone levels are useful for, but if you have any questions about fertility, finding out if you are ovulating is ground zero.
If you have ovulated there will be a big spike in your progesterone level at about 21 days into your cycle - or if irregular, 7 days before period due.
This test conveniently works with a finger-prick home sample or with a phlebotomy sample at any of our nationwide locations.
Fully analyse the function of your thyroid gland including checking for the commonest causes of thyroid dysfunction.
Thyroid problems are common and can cause significant health problems. A blood test is the only way to find out.
This test includes TSH, FT3, FT4 and Thyroglobulin and Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies.
Due to the comprehensive scale of this profile a phlebotomy sample is needed.
Analyse the function of your thyroid gland.
Check your levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and Free T4.
Low thyroid affects over 2% of our population and over 13% of women over 60 causing fatigue, weight gain, thinning hair and depression.
It is notoriously difficult to diagnose thyroid problems without a blood test.
This test works as well with a finger prick sample as with a phlebotomy sample.
This blood test is our most comprehensive wellness profile for women and is designed to give you the most information about your general health risks and current wellness.
It includes a full blood count and analysis of kidney and liver function, bone and muscle health, a full cholesterol profile and iron studies. Additionally a diabetes check, thyroid function tests, hsCRP, a vitamin profile, and a female hormones profile are all included.
Due to the comprehensive scale of this profile a phlebotomy sample is needed.