HbA1c (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) Blood Tests

The HbA1c test is a blood test that measures the average amount of sugar in your blood over the past 2-3 months.

It is used to diagnose and monitor diabetes, a condition where your body has trouble regulating blood sugar levels.

The test is important because high blood sugar levels can damage your organs over time, leading to serious health problems

If your HbA1c level is high then it confirms that you have diabetes mellitus. It is very useful for screening people in general to see if they have Type 2 diabetes as it is often difficult to diagnose this type of diabetes from symptoms alone.

Checking HbA1c levels regularly if you already know you have diabetes is essential too, as it is the best way to check if you are managing your blood sugar levels effectively and therefore reducing the chances of the serious medical complications that can occur if high blood sugar levels are not controlled.

By measuring your HbA1c levels, your doctor can adjust your treatment plan if necessary.

It is recommended that people with diabetes get this test done at least twice a year to ensure their blood sugar levels are within a healthy range.

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