Full Blood Count (with 5 part White Cell Differential) Blood Tests

A Full Blood Count (with 5 part White Cell Differential) is a test that looks at different components of your blood to check for any abnormalities. It measures the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in your blood.

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, so this test can help determine if you have enough of them. Low levels of red blood cells may indicate anemia, while high levels may suggest dehydration or other conditions.

White blood cells are part of your immune system and help fight off infections. This test can count the different types of white blood cells to see if there are any imbalances. High levels of white blood cells may indicate an infection or inflammation, while low levels may suggest a weakened immune system.

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting, so this test can check if you have enough of them. Low platelet levels may lead to excessive bleeding, while high levels may increase the risk of blood clots.